Photo Art

Photo it what you think you see?

The Thaw

The silver days of spring; frosted glass shatter and snow contained prisms disperse upon the earth. Heriocially, toddler saplings fend way to awe at the fabled sun, the has-been months of dressed pines in tinsel and crimson is all but memory. Awake sleeping forest lest mock the retired hues; paint instead a monet of color and dry a path so I may enter the new season. ~ S.Q.

Grace and Simplicity

My first wooden sculptor from my 3D class. The object of this project was to create an idea out of wood with the specifications that it was to be non-functional and attached only using dowels and wood glue composing of symmetrical or asymmetrical values with negative and positive space showing either unity or variety. So I chose the gymnast.
Her posture indicates she may be a diver, dancer, or gymnast conducting either a back or front dive or flip on the parralell bar; the positioning is in the eye of the beholder. The extremities were sanded to very fine and definite points to make note the many hours spent by the athlete as she prepares for competition; perfecting every movement so it is displayed with grace and simplicity.